Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Empire State Human

This was my work in progress for illustration friday's "tall", but I think I'm just gonna completely redo it (I got really over-excited by the new rapidograph pens I got, I'm just gonna redo it with collage) :/

It's also inspired by the song empire state humaaannn (tall tall tall I wanna be tall tall tall...)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Freeze for Illustration Friday

Here's my post for illustration friday's 'freeze'! I wish I had a scanner because I go crazy overboard with the color when editing a photo in Photoshop.

This is what it originally looked like:

I sewed some embroidery thread into the scarf!

I have two blogs now..

I'm gonna be posting my illustration fridays and other stuff here more often because the new ill-fri doesn't jive well with my tumblr blog. I haven't really decided if I should use one or the other more so for now I'll be using both for pretty much everything :]